第34回伝統的工芸品月間国民会議全国大会 東京大会 開催期間 平成29年11月3日(金)~6日(月)

11/4(金)〜11/6(日) 会場:東京国際フォーラム ホールB7・B5
11:00-19:00 ※11.6のみ17:00終了



Tsugaru Lacquer Ware


Hall B7





The making of this ware dates back to the beginning of the 17th century, when the fourth generation of leaders of the Tsugaru clan engaged craftsmen skilled in the making of lacquer ware. A production center became established toward the end of the 19th century and the craft developed from the traditional skills which had been acquired over the preceding period of approximately 300 years. The continual process of refinement of techniques and the original ideas developed by the many craftsmen and women since then, are the sum total of the craft today.Centered on Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture, no other traditional forms of lacquer ware are produced any further north in Japan. Inevitably there is a warmth and charm about this craft that is missing from a machine made product. A number of distinctive techniques are used. The one called nanako-nuri has the stylish feel of the kind of fine patterns found on some kimono cloths, whereas monsha-nuri has an elegant modern feel with its mat black ground. With 31 government recognized Master Craftsmen among the 643 employed, there are now 173 firms engaged in the making of this fine craft lacquer ware. They produce pieces of furniture including tables, various pieces of tableware as well as fine pieces to be used in the tea ceremony. Trays and chopsticks are as finely produced as any other item and flower vases, too, glow with the fine traditions of this craft.