第34回伝統的工芸品月間国民会議全国大会 東京大会 開催期間 平成29年11月3日(金)~6日(月)

11/4(金)〜11/6(日) 会場:東京国際フォーラム ホールB7・B5
11:00-19:00 ※11.6のみ17:00終了


Owari Cloisonne


Hall B7





It was not until the latter part of the Edo period (1600-1868) that Owari cloisonne got its start. The area centered on present-day Nagoya was the domain of the Owari clan. The first pieces were made here and the skills and techniques of this craft gradually became established. The oldest piece of authenticated Owari cloisonne is a sake cup made in 1833.

In a sense, cloisonne is a form of glazed ware utilizing the fact that enamels will melt under extreme heat, rather in the way that glazes for pottery melt in a kiln. The main difference is that metal is the base material of cloisonne. The birds, butterflies, flowers and plants depicted on Owari cloisonne give it its distinctive character. There are now 21 firms supporting 165 staff engaged in producing a variety of cloisonne flower vases, incense holders, dishes and jewelry boxes.

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  • 七宝X'masロウソク&リボン小皿
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  • 七宝X'masスノーマン小皿
  • 七宝干支小皿(新酉/大)